passion project


Rebranding a Legend

Rebranding Wayne Enterprises was no small task. It took hundreds of sketches and planning. The aim of the rebrand was to create a logo that was strong and simple enough to represent the empire that is Wayne Enterprises, but also flexible enough to be reinterpreted to all of its sub-brands as Wayne Enterprises has over 30 child companies.

The Story Behind the Logo


It was important in the creation of sub-brand logos to be able to show a variety in tone to appropriately match the brand. Wayne Enterprises does everything from flying first-class passengers across the world to building warships to growing apples. The logo of Wayne Airlines should not have the same feel as Wayne Foods. I created logos for five sub-brands of Wayne Enterprises to show the potential diversity in tone the Wayne logo could handle.

While being very adaptable, the logo is still able to remain recognizable. All sub-brand logos must maintain the same circle and W and only replace the triangle with a simple and recognizable mark that fits 90% inside the area of the golden triangle.

The Process

Wayne Enterprises was a challenge. Create a brand that is powerful enough for a strong billionaire philanthropist CEO and his multi-billion dollar multinational conglomerate, but have a logo that can be soft enough to work for their grocery store or children’s clothing store. I found several times that I’d come up with a logo that was elegant for Wayne Enterprises alone, but not for half of its child companies. It took several failures and half successes with glimmers of hope that eventually inspired what is the final product.

The rebrand was specifically for Wayne Enterprises, the conglomerate where Bruce Wayne is king, not any of its child companies. Those would have their own branding to suit their clients and business models. A navy steel manufacturing plant is not created equal to an entertainment company. Part of the rebranding includes the template for designing all future and current Wayne child companies. It was a difficult and incredibly rewarding journey.

What self-respecting international conglomerate would be complete without a leather-bound monogrammed brand guidelines? Definitely not this Batman's cover day job. Hand-bound and full of beautiful details.